正在加载 JS 文件,如果你一直看到本界面,请使用 VPN

Loading JS file, if you keep seeing this screen, please contact contact#asmr.one (Replace # with @)

[INFO] fetch success /css/app.4eaf2038.css {
    "retryTimes": 0,
    "failed": [],
    "succeeded": [
[Uncaught ErrorEvent] 
ErrorEvent: {
    "isTrusted": true,
    "currentTarget": {},
    "target": {
        "type": ""
    "type": "error"
ErrorEvent.error: undefined
ErrorEvent.target: {}
ErrorEvent.target.src = https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-RDYHG81DRG
[INFO] fetch success /js/vendor.8e4b24e1.js {
    "retryTimes": 0,
    "failed": [],
    "succeeded": [
[Uncaught ErrorEvent] 
ErrorEvent: {
    "isTrusted": true,
    "currentTarget": {},
    "target": {
        "type": ""
    "type": "error"
ErrorEvent.error: undefined
ErrorEvent.target: {}
ErrorEvent.target.src = https://asmr.one/js/app.0874e052.js
[WARN] https://asmr.one/js/app.0874e052.js load failed
[WARN] retry with https://registry.npmmirror.com/asmr-one-dist-alt/0.6.0-rc.4-990-g7109966/files/js/app.0874e052.js
[Uncaught ErrorEvent] 
ErrorEvent: {
    "isTrusted": true,
    "currentTarget": {},
    "target": {
        "type": ""
    "type": "error"
ErrorEvent.error: undefined
ErrorEvent.target: {}
ErrorEvent.target.src = https://registry.npmmirror.com/asmr-one-dist-alt/0.6.0-rc.4-990-g7109966/files/js/app.0874e052.js
[ERROR] all retry failed for:  /js/app.0874e052.js {
    "retryTimes": 2,
    "failed": [
    "succeeded": []